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Federal Republic Of Germany 50 Pfennig 1967 P27

País: Federal Republic Of Germany
Continente: Europa
Referencia: P27
Fecha: ND (1967)
Emisor: Bundesrepublik Deutschland


Informacion del anverso:


Informacion del reverso:

Notas: Purpose: Bundeskassenschein (Federal Treasury Note) not issued


Notas: Produced in order to be prepared in case of a military attack from Eastern Europe. Assuming that in case of a successful invasion the enemy would take possession of the Deutsche Mark notes and coins, all regular DM-notes would have been declared immediately as no longer valid. "Bundeskassenscheine" were to be circulated instead, - in order to supply the population with sufficient cash for their daily basic needs. Bundeskassenscheine would have been of c


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