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German East Africa 1 Rupie 1915 P15

País: German East Africa
Continente: Africa
Referencia: P15
Fecha: 01.12.1915
Emisor: Deutsch-Ostafrikanische Bank


Informacion del anverso:


Informacion del reverso:

Notas: With text "Kraft besonderer Ermächtigung" below date at left "gez. A. Frühling" at right for similar other notes see GERMAN EAST AFRICA P-13 & GERMAN EAST AFRICA P-14 & GERMAN EAST AFRICA P-16 & GERMAN EAST AFRICA P-17 for notes overstamped with "W" see GERMAN EAST AFRICA P-23 for notes overstamped with "X" see GERMAN EAST AFRICA P-26 for notes overstamped with "Z" see GERMAN EAST AFRIC


Notas: light red-brown paper series J diagonals in the spheres in right margin descending


Notas: yellow-brown paper series K (left and right at same height on back) diagonals in the spheres in right margin descending, except for the fourth one from below, which is ascending


Notas: yellow-brown paper series K (left high, right below) diagonals in the spheres in right margin descending


Notas: yellow-brown paper series K (left high, center below) diagonals in the spheres in right margin descending


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