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Russia 100 Rubley 2015 P275 - 275b

Información general

País: Russia
Continente: Europa
Referencia: P275
Sub-Referencia: 275b

Informacion del anverso:

Painting "The Russian Squadron on the Sebastopol Roads" (by Ivan K. Aivazovsky) "Monument to the Scuttled Ships", Sevastopol Bay (by Amandus Adamson) layout of Sevastopol city "Memorial to the Heroic Defense of Sevastopol in 1941-1942", Nakhimov square (by I. Fialko and V. Yakovlev) St. Vladimir’s Cathedral

Informacion del reverso:

"Sail" cliff and Au-Dag mountain Swallow’s Nest castle on Aurora Cliff overlooking Cape of Ai-Todor, Yalta Khan's mosque in Khan's Palace, Bakhchysarai radio telescope RT-70 near the town of Yevpatoria
Fecha: 2015
Emisor: Bank Rossii


Notas: pictures of notes with serial # prefix KK have appeared in the internet, being "Photoshop products"
Sub-Referencia Notas: series KC (Krim-Sevastopol) large letters

Información específica

Grado: SC
Serie: KC0424709
Precio: 6€

Información del propietario

Vendedor: LuisHerrero
Reglas de envio: NACEX, dentro de España => 8
Correos, todo el mundo => 18
CORREOS certificado=>6
CORREOS ordinario=>2

Situación: En venta

Sin certificaciones de experto

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